Maharani Maharani, Widdiyanti Widdiyanti, yulimarni yulimarni
Manumbuak padi is an activity of Minangkabau`s women in processing paddy into rice
traditionally using traditional tools. the traditional tools is lasuang, pestle/antan and tampian.
Nowadays, rice processing using lasuang is starting to be abandoned, because it has been
replaced by more sophisticated technology. This is the interest and concept in creating
embroidery works. The embroidery creation methods that we used are three-stage theory, the
exploration stage, looking for ideas and reference sources. The design stage, namely expressing
ideas in the form of a design, continued with the realization stage. The work is made using
embroidery techniques using cotton linen and polycherry thread. The works in the form of wall
decorations have a diameter of 80 cm, and each work has a storyline according to its title, namely
Work 1 entitled manjamua padi (drying rice), work 2 manumbuak padi (pounding rice), work 3
basumarak (lively/excited), work 4 manampi (winnowing), work 5 manyumpik bareh (putting rice
into a sack), and work 6 malapeh panek (unwinding or resting).
Seni; Kriya; Craft; Desain Kriya; Sulam